Insurance as it should be because we care about you and your business.

Call Us: 855-281-2924

Long Haul Trucking

For owner-operators to fleets, we have commercial truck insurance options.

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Auto Hauling

We know the ins and outs of car and auto hauling.

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Hotshot Trucking

Fast, reliable coverage for your fast, reliable deliveries.

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Fort Wayne Trucking Insurance


Fort Wayne Trucking – The City of Three Rivers

Fort Wayne, Indiana serves as a vibrant regional economic hub, known as a major transportation hub in northwest Indiana. Fort Wayne is truly the All-American City, a prestigious designation the city has won multiple times.

Established as a military fort, Fort Wayne became a key frontier outpost in the early days of the United States. Its important geographical location catapulted the city into its current role as a transportation hub serving thousands of Hoosiers.

The major corporations in Fort Wayne reflect its diverse economy, spanning industries such as steel production, insurance, finance, automotive, and telecommunications. The St. Marys, St. Joseph, and Maumee Rivers converge in Fort Wayne making it a historically key transportation hub.

Call 855-281-2924 for Fort Wayne Truck Insurance

Get Covered with Fort Wayne Trucking Insurance

When the unimaginable happens, the truck insurance agency partner you choose matters. Our trucking insurance experts will assess your company and provide a customizable insurance solution for your Fort Wayne trucking company.

  • Auto Liability – Indiana requires auto liability coverage to legally operate your truck and purchase plates and tags. This coverage protects you if you’re found liable for bodily injury or property damage while driving an insured truck. This is a no brainer when you drive on I-69.
  • Physical Damage – While not required to operate, physical damage on your truck should not be overlooked. This coverage protects your insured semi truck or trailer for collision and other-than-collision incidents such as vandalism, theft, fire, or contact with a deer. This insures your asset.
  • Motor Truck Cargo –  Imagine your load shifts and is damaged after hitting a pothole or metal grate. Cargo insurance pays your customer for covered damages. Not only does cargo protect your wallet, but also your business relationships.
  • Non-Trucking Liability – Owner-operators under a permanent lease to another motor carrier may have a gap in coverage when operating your truck through Fort Wayne while not under dispatch or for non-business purposes. Non Trucking Liability (NTL) and bobtail provides coverage when you’re bobtailing, not under dispatch, or operating for non-business purposes as defined by your owner operator lease agreement.


Discover the Trucking Insurance Services Advantage

When you purchase a policy with Trucking Insurance Services, you’re getting more than an experienced truck insurance agent, you are getting a business partner that will help you see around the corner. We are a family-owned business with decades in trucking. We aren’t in the insurance industry, we are in trucking.

Certificates At The Speed of Light

We know how important it is to send certificates of insurance to your brokers in a timely manner. Our team of dedicated certificate processing agents will have your certificate of insurance out the door within minutes. Need special verbiage or additional coverage? An agent will quickly update your policy and issue your certificate.

We Know Filings

We get it. Filings are complex. And knowing who needs what filing can make your head spin. Don’t worry, our team of truck insurance experts will arrange to have your filings issued. Are you a new venture trying to activate your ICC/MC number? A member of our team will walk you through the process.

Get your truck insurance quote now


Truck Insurance We Offer
Amazon Relay insurance ICC insurance
Auto hauler insurance Intermodal insurance 
Auto liability Log truck insurance
Bobtail insurance Motor carrier insurance
Box truck insurance New venture insurance
Car carrier insurance Non trucking insurance
Cargo insurance Physical damage insurance
Container insurance Reefer insurance
Courier insurance Tow truck insurance
Dump truck insurance Trailer interchange insurance
Flatbed insurance Truck insurance
Hotshot truck insurance UIIA insurance


Informational statements regarding insurance coverage are for general description purposes only. These statements do not amend, modify or supplement any insurance policy. Consult the actual policy or your agent for details regarding terms, conditions, coverage, exclusions, products, services and programs which may be available to you. Your eligibility for particular products and services is subject to the final determination of underwriting qualifications and acceptance by the insurance underwriting company providing such products or services. This website does not make any representations that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss, or type of claim or loss, under any policy. Whether coverage exists or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any policy depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss and all applicable policy wording.