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October 5, 2024
Will Kremer

Ask An Agent: Why Are CDL MVR Reports Important?

Today’s question comes from a small fleet manager who called our office asking about driver safety records. He wanted to understand why reviewing Motor Vehicle Records (MVRs) is so crucial for his trucking operation. We’ll break down why CDL MVR reports are important and why sharing them with your agent is important. Do you want expert advice on trucking insurance? Call our licensed insurance agents at 855-281-2924.


Question Of The Week:

“Will, why are CDL MVR reports so important for trucking companies? How often should we review them, and do we really need to share them with our insurance company?”


This question has a few parts to it and I’ll do my best to answer each piece thoroughly. However, to put it simply, MVR reports are crucial for trucking companies. And yes, you should share them with your truck insurance company.

Let’s break this down into digestible chunks. First off, what exactly is a CDL MVR report? It’s essentially a report card for your truck drivers, showing their driving history including any violations, accidents, or suspensions. Think of it as a crystal ball that lets you peek into your drivers’ on-road behavior.

Now, why are these reports so crucial? Well, imagine trying to run a trucking company blindfolded. That’s essentially what you’re doing if you’re not regularly checking CDL MVR reports. These reports are your eyes and ears for driver performance and risk management.

Let’s talk numbers. While I can’t give you an exact figure on how much money reviewing MVRs can save you, I can confidently say that trucking companies who regularly review and act on MVR reports often see lower insurance premiums and fewer accidents. It’s a win-win situation.

But how often should you review these reports? The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires an annual review, at minimum. However, many savvy fleet managers check more frequently. Why? Because a lot can happen in a year. A driver could rack up several violations in a few months, and you’d be none the wiser until your annual review. That’s like finding out your truck’s brakes failed after you’ve already crashed.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: sharing these reports with your insurance agency. I get it, nobody likes to air their dirty laundry. But here’s the thing – your insurance agency isn’t the enemy. We’re your partners in risk management. By sharing these reports, you’re giving us the tools we need to accurately assess your risk and potentially offer you better rates. And not to mention, we find out sooner or later, so providing your driver MVRs up front saves you time.

Think of it this way: if you went to a doctor but didn’t tell them about your symptoms, how could they effectively treat you? The same principle applies here. When you share your CDL MVR reports with us, we can work with you to address any issues before they become major problems (or major claims).

Here’s a pro tip: Use technology to your advantage. There are software solutions that can automate the MVR retrieval and review process. This can save you time and reduce human error. Plus, it makes it easier to spot trends and patterns in driver behavior over time.

Remember, at the end of the day, reviewing and acting on CDL MVR reports isn’t just about compliance or insurance rates. It’s about safety – for your drivers, for other road users, and for your business. It’s an investment in your company’s future.

Where you can pull CDL MVR reports online:


Do you want an insurance quote from a truck insurance expert? Call our office at 855-281-2924 or submit your information online for a same-day quote.


Hi, I’m Will Kremer, a licensed insurance agent at Trucking Insurance Services. For more than 15 years I have written commercial truck insurance ranging from owner-operator to fleet and everything in between. This is where I answer your truck insurance questions. Do you have a question for me? Send your question to


This blog is for informational purposes only and does not amend, modify, or supplement any insurance policy. Read our informational disclaimer here.

Categories: Blog

Tags: Ask An Agent, truck insurance

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