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September 12, 2016

Why We Appreciate Truckers

 It’s Trucker Appreciate Week in the United States, which happens to be Trucking Insurance Services’ favorite week. We live, breathe, and eat trucking. When Eva Clair Bowles (our CEO) started Trucking Insurance Services nearly nine years ago, she set out to create an insurance company unlike any that exists. Rather than sell commercial auto insurance to truckers, she envisioned a company that partner with truckers.

Because of her vision, we hardly consider ourselves to be in the insurance industry; we consider ourselves to be in the trucking industry. Of course, each staff member is trained in insurance, but also in other areas of the trucking industry. The employees are trained to understand MC/DOT numbers, BOC-3’s, IFTA, trip permits, and a host of other trucking-related matters.

That is to say: Truckers are our lives. Since this week is dedicated to celebrating truckers and appreciating all that they do for us, we asked a few employees why they appreciate truckers.

Eva Clair Bowles, CEO and Agent:
“I appreciate truck drivers, because I wouldn’t have anything I own without them. I wouldn’t have my clothes, I wouldn’t have my food from the grocery store, I wouldn’t have my house. I can’t think of a thing that I would have without a truck driver. Thank you truck drivers!”

Will Kremer, Business Operations:
“Truck drivers forego home cooked meals, time with family, and a multitude of other simple comforts that average people take for granted. The average trucker drives over 100,000 miles a year and spends over 200 nights out each year. That’s why I appreciate truck drivers.”

Britni Butler, Sales:
“Imagine a world without truck drivers…it’s not a great world. They work so hard to keep America moving! Thank you, truckers!”

Chelsea Page, Customer Service:
“I appreciate truckers for many reasons, mostly for putting themselves in harms way to deliver important items all across the nation. They spend several hours on the road everyday with the possibility of getting hit.”

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